Product Information
Crosswater MPRO Brushed Stainless Steel Bath Filler with Click-Clack Waste
Part of the Crosswater brassware range, the MPRO Brushed Stainless Steel Bath Filler with Click-Clack Waste is an attractive fixture with an accessible function and discreet installation, making it perfect for any modern bathroom with a paired back aesthetic.
Pushing down on the circular waste cover of the click-clack bath waste will close and reopen it in turn, allowing you to control your level of bath water without having to fish around for a plug or fiddle with any mechanical components.
While the bath waste sits in the base of your bathtub, the accompanying bath filler is mounted above it, protruding some the edge of the bathtub. Measuring 52mm in diameter and 44mm in its projection, the cylindrical bath filler has a hidden spout beneath its sleek body, which directs the flow of water down into your bathtub when initiated by your separate bath mixer valves.
Size may vary depending on options selected
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