Product Information
Crosswater Dial Valve 2 Control with Central Trim
The Crosswater Dial Shower Valve with 2 controls with portrait trim set includes a Crosswater Shower hose and multifunctional handset with brass valve.
The Dial Shower Valve 2 control operates two shower outlets and uses the push button shower technology which enables you to control the flow of the water as well as the temperature.
Product Information:
- Product code: DIAL-CENT-19
- Includes Crosswater Dial brass shower valve with portrait central trimset
- Wall Mounted
- This shower valve operates two shower outlets
- Simple push button operation
- Chrome Finish
- HP1: High pressure - suitable for modern pressurised systems of 1 bar and above
- Including Crosswater Shower Hose and multifunctional Handset, Brass valve and Portrait trim
- Crosswater 15 Year Guarantee
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